TYPE : continuous research as a moving momentum in between forests and glaciers, probably a multiform territory
MEDIUMS : mixed
DATE : ongoing
PLACE : the studio, Alps and Earth
français & english

^ CLAMOR, 2022

^ Somewhere

^ In the forest while filming ‘Meditation’, 2023

^ Forest, Chartreuse, 2022

^ Research about the insect ‘Rosalie des Alpes’ for the painting Rosalia Alpina, 2022

^ Rosalia Alpina, oil painting on linen canvas, 60x81cm, 2022

^ XV, from the serie Archium of Trees, oil painting and digital montage, 2022

^ Cabane, research, 2022

^ Le Portail, digital art, 2021 :

Ceci est :

◉ Un cercle magique et cérémoniel dans une forêt, pas [encore] découverte et détruite par les humains ◉ 13 roches en lévitation ◉
◉ Cette image est un extrait du film imaginaire “LE PORTAIL” (7:46) ◉  

^ Around the refuge de Vallonbrun, 2022

^ ‘Bird’, wooden construction, 2021

^ During a walk

^ ‘Vole’, flag and in situ installation, 2022

^ In the (not so smart) phone

^ Untitled, drawing on raw linen, 2023

^ Painted rock 01, 2022

^ In the forest

^ Lino prints in motion, from the studio, 2023

^ During a walk

^ Notebook, polaroid, 2023

^ In the forest

^ In the forest, portrait of the artist

^ Drawings and motion, from the serie Archium of Trees, 2021

^ From the refuge de Vallonbrun, 2022

^ Nebula, digital art, from ‘Lockdown, an archive’,  2021

^ ‘From the Haze’, poetry,  2023

^ Analog photograph dark room hand-printed by the artist, 2022

^ ‘Cartographie de là’, encre et crayon sur papier de chanvre, 56x78cm, 2022

^ ‘Petite histoire d’un symbole’, notebook, 2022

^ In the forest

^ Untitled, drawing on found paper, pencil, pastel, oil pastel, sanguine, 23x23cm, 2023

^ In the forest

^ Analog photograph dark room hand-printed by the artist, 2022

^ CLAMOR, Analog photograph of a forest and bark, crystal photograph, animated montage, 2022

^ Notebook, from the serie Archium of Trees, 2022

^ During a walk, memories of sheep

^ Notebook, 2021 or 2022

^ In the forest

^ Paintings, from the serie Archium of Trees, 2021

^ Analog photograph dark room hand-printed by the artist, 2022

^ ’Biospiritualis’, in situ installation, wood and raw linen yanr, mounatin of the Chartreuse, France, winter 2022 :  

^ This in situ installation is a sculpture made of wood and raw linen yarn (biodegradable). It represents a portal to an invisible world. This installation does not have human spectators, especially in this forest in the middle of winter. It is made for other living creatures, animals and imaginary and invisible entities. It is also made for and with the Wind and the trees. What the human can see, it’s its trace, the photograph. This sculpture is made to be ephemeral : it questions what stays, what passes through. What does the trace of the human leaves in a natural environment ?

^ Arrival, at the refuge de Vallonbrun, 2022

^ The artist and ‘Bird’ at the studio, 2022

^ ‘Creature XVIII’, black ink and sanguine on chiffon paper 150g, 56x76cm, 2022

^ ‘Installation 24’, digital installation, 2021 :

^ The exhibition takes place in an abandoned hall. I invested the space with the work “Installation 24”. This piece mixes material reality and digital matters.
Are we inside the representation of the space ? Are we in a digital land ? What lies and what could emerge offscreen ?
On the wall, a black and white photograph of a forest, view from the ground. The visitor walks in a small landscape made of rocks and trees in front of this photograph. The floor is a another photograph, reduced to big blurry pixels, of a face behind a black veil : this is the trace of a witch, or perhaps the spirit of this forest, present within each step, without being really visible.
This installation includes changes of light, coming from outside the scene. The changing lights are made from different colours, changing the feeling and the experience of the space, of the installation.
This is a gaseous installation : an art of experience, of atmosphere. The participation to the installation is about sensations, a form of non-action (would that make it a non-capitalist action?), where the walk becomes the main form of participation.

^ ‘Le Bruit de la Terre’, ensemble de céramiques assemblées en mobile - installation in situ dans la forêt, sur les branches d’un arbre, 2022 :

^ Quand le vent passe dans l’oeuvre, les composantes en céramique s’entrechoquent et font le bruit de la terre : le bruit de la forêt. L’oeuvre met en sons le vent qui s’engouffre entre les arbres, et la céramique, dont la matière est la terre (cuite). Objet rituel ? 

^ Found archive, glaciers form the Alps

^ At the refuge, 2022

^ Ice, water and rocks, during a walk, 2023

^ Rock, river from the melting glacier, Les Écrins, summer 2023

^ After bathing in the river of the melting glacier, Haute-Maurienne, Summer 2022

^ Floating mountain, digital art, from ‘Lockdown, an archive’,  2021

^ MELTING GLACIER, La Meije, Les Écrins, France 2023

^ Water, river from the melting glacier, Les Écrins, summer 2023

^ ‘Glaciers tués’, ink on paper, 2023

^ ‘Creature’, drawing on rock, made with coal from the fireplace of the night before, Oisans, 2022

^ Making ‘Creature’, drawing on rock, made with coal from the fireplace of the night before, Oisans, 2022

^ Untitled, ink on paper, 2022

^ Notebook, archives of glaciers and drawing, 2023

^ Found archive, glaciers form the Alps

^ My computer brokes the image and I like it, digital photogaph from Haute-Maurienne and digital glitch, 2022

^ Water, 2023

^ Water, 2023

^ Two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

^ Two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

^ Two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

ALLER CHERCHER LE SILENCE car le silence est une graine -

Être ici et maintenant. Détachement. Finitude.  

Pensées : être écologie contemplative : être dans le présent sensoriel, être avec la communauté terrestre. 

Le silence est un souffle.

^ ‘I need silence within and around’, two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

^ Two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

^ Two weeks meditation retreat in the mountains, summer 2023

© 2024 Camille Dedenise all rights reserved